In this episode, Cassidy tackles the introductory dungeon in WildStar – Protogames Academy.
The Academy, oddly enough, is just that.. it’s an introductory instance designed to help teach you how to perform your role in a group (DPS, Tank, Healing). Level-wise, you unlock the instance at level 10.
In the Academy, you’ll learn about interrupt armor, how/when to interrupt, dodging telegraphs, the importance of situational awareness, and, how to coordinate everything as a group (though, there wasn’t a lot of talking in the group I found via the LFG tool.. I think everyone had already done it on other characters, and so, knew the fights).
I honestly think everyone should run this dungeon at least once (possibly once per role you can perform).. it’s good exposure, and could even help you decide if you want to tank/heal, or DPS as you move into the ‘real’ dungeons, and endgame content.
Plus, running it as a role you don’t normally perform, can help you understand what that role goes through in a dungeon better (i.e., tanking may be harder than you think).
Instead of snarky comments..most of the commentary in this video, is intended to be useful and assist in explaining what’s going on.
Here’s the episode:
As always, any feedback, comments, suggestions, complaints, etc.. are welcomed in the comments here, or on YouTube.