WildStar PTR client patching

I kid you not!

I’ve been randomly launching my WildStar PTR client (which, had been fully patched), once or twice a week – since the F2P annoucnement was made.

Just now, I fired it up again… and magic started happening!

Magic happening SOON!

Magic happening SOON!


That’s right! The PTS content (or, at least, some of it) has started to show up… fire up those launchers everyone.. we’ve got a PTS to plunder!  (soon).

And, in case you think that’s just my regular launcher.. here’s a shot of both PTS launcher, and regular launcher both open:

See?  Would I Lie to you?!?!

See? Would I Lie to you?!?!

I don’t think this is the final PTS patch, so if you do fire up your launcher now.. be prepared to have to do it again.  With Carbine having already announced that the China beta starts in August..it’s only logical to assume that our Beta will start at the same time (what with it being the same content and all).

I can’t wait to get onto Test Nexus, and see all the Drop 6… err.. “Game Update 1.4” (Sorry Caydiem) goodies..

Dear Carbine… I’m almost out of Boom Boxes on one of my accounts… I can haz more for Beta’ing F2P?