Tag Archives: Store

CBT Phase Clarification

In case you missed CRB_Bardic’s post today over on the official forums (here), she clarified some stuff regarding the ongoing CBT/PTR testing, with regards to the store, and how ‘funny money’ is going to be handled.

Here’s her post, along with a mini-FAQ she included:

Hi all,

I’d like to make sure everyone is aware of how to test the store throughout our Free-to-Play Closed Beta Test (CBT)! Please pass this on if you see other folks asking in-game. Now, here are the details:

CBT Phases

WildStar’s Free-to-Play Closed Beta is structured in two phases:

Phase I

Players will be issued a test-only currency, called PTR NCoin, each week during this phase.

  • This distribution is planned to be run every Thursday, starting today (8/13/2015), barring unforeseen issues.
  • The distribution will be to all players with active subscriptions (or paid time) and any (new or lapsed) player that has redeemed their beta code from an invitation email.
    What this means for you: If you’ve been invited via email, try to redeem your code before Thursdays! If you miss it, you won’t get your NCoin until the next week’s distribution.

Phase II

Phase II is to help us test the real world purchase flow of NCoin.

When we start Phase II, all in-game store purchases, the free PTR NCoin you received in Phase I, OmniBits earned, loyalty points, and loyalty reward tracts will be wiped. We will also be wiping characters.

At this point, you can acquire PTR NCoin via:

  • Purchasing real NCoin bundles on the NCSOFT web store
  • Purchasing real NCoin bundles using our in-game store UI on the CBT realm (more info soon).

Starting in Phase II, when you buy real NCoin on the NCSOFT website you’ll receive an identical amount of PTR NCoin to spend in the Closed Beta realm. So, for example, if you purchase the 400 NCoin bundle, you’ll also get 400 PTR NCoin. Your real NCoin will be stockpiled on your account, to either spend in an existing NCSOFT product, or it’ll be waiting for you at WildStar’s Free to Play launch!

There will be more details coming on how to purchase in Phase II. Please also take a look at our FAQ in the support knowledge base for more details on Closed Beta.

What Phase Are We In Now?
We just started Phase I, when we announced Closed Beta on 8/11!

Phase I: How Much PTR NCoin Will I Get?
This section will be updated to give you the plan for the current week’s distribution and the status on that distribution.

8/13 – 800 PTR NCoin to be delivered to current beta participants – Completed!

Phase I: I Need More NCoin!
We’re intentionally metering out the spending currency to help us properly monitor testing of the store, while also reviewing transaction information and analytics. We don’t have a set amount of NCoin distribution per week because we may adjust week to week over the course of Phase I.

Phase II: If I already have NCoin on my account when Phase II goes live, will I get the equivalent amount of PTR NCoin automatically?
PTR NCoin can only be issued from new NCoin bundle purchases from the start of Closed Beta Phase II.

Phase II: How Do I Use The In-Game UI To Buy NCoin?
Come back soon, I’ll have extreme amounts of detail here!

Phase II: When Does Closed Beta Phase II Start?
We will provide this date as we get closer. For now, please enjoy your PTR NCoin and explore the store!

So there you have it!  All your Funny Money questions answered (except, when we should flood CRB_Bardic’s twitter feed with #funnymoney).

The descriptions of the phases, make it sound like invites to people other than current subscribers have either started going out, or will be going out soon.. so, if you signed up for the beta (by going here), keep an eye on your email for your invite, and if you get it.. get everything squared away by Wednesday night, so you don’t miss your funny money allowance for the week!