Tag Archives: Promo

WildStar Box Promo

A while back Carbine started a mystery box promo to try and accomplish two things:

  1. Get new players to jump into Nexus.
  2. Move retail stock off the shelves, so with the F2P conversion, they didn’t have to buy back stock from retailers.

Currently GameStop is selling WildStar for $9.99 a box… that gets you 30 days subscription time + the random goody box from the promo.  For those doing the math.. that means the box is $5.00 cheaper than the monthly subscription plus gives you a shot at in game goodies that are selling for 50-80 plat on Entity (US).  Which, in turn, is enough Platinum to buy CREDD, to extend your game time another thirty days.

I may have bought most of the stock from ALL the GameStops in my area (I tried Wal-Mart.. but they wouldn’t price match on this deal).

It may be time for my family to stage an intervention:


I don’t have a problem! You have a Problem!

I should get all three promo items for sure though now… right???  maybe?


Edit:  Tally after adding 10 Codes.. both accounts are paid through December now… and I have:

3 GlitterKitty Hoverboards, 5 Snarfelynx mounts, and 2 Marauder costume sets.  So, both accounts will get 1 Character with everything (to get the title)… and I’ll probably sell the rest.  Hopefully, Carbine is making these rewards account bound with Drop 6.. so I don’t regret using them all on the same character to unlock the title.