Tag Archives: New Content

PTR: New Support Training

One of the changes currently on the Drop 6 PTR, is the addition of a ‘Support Training Instance’.

When you get to Tremor Ridge (or the equivalent level 6 zone, depending on faction, and starting area).. you’ll find a robot wearing boxing gloves – but no boxing shorts, which is a missed opportunity Carbine!

M.A.C has got a few dialog options that explain what support roles are (including flat out telling you what your Class’ support role is).  Accepting his quest will allow you to use the teleporter behind him (left for healing, right for tanking).

Zoning in, you’ll get the ‘old style’ pop up tutorial that talks about building a LAS for your support role, and explains briefly what the support role you can perform does.  M.A.C will also start telling you to save his fellow M.A.Cs by healing them.

After healing a few M.A.Cs back to full health, the quest is complete and all that’s left is to leave the instance.  The whole thing takes less than 2 minutes, so make sure you knock it out if you’re new to WildStar.