PTR – Alpha Sanctum (Spoilers!)

I ran through the new World Story (Drusera!) instance on the PTR.  First, let me say the obvious…

This post will have SPOILERS!

If you don’t want to be Spoiled.. stop reading now.


No, seriously… stop reading if you don’t want to be spoiled….

Okay, if you’re still reading this, you can no longer blame me if you get spoiled… it’s on you now!

I’m going to try and keep the spoilers to a minimum, and be a bit vague here, the video has the more in depth spoilers.

When you hit level 15, you’ll receive a holocom call from Professor Wellspring.  She’ll let you know a strange portal has opened in Thayd, and XAS needs you to check it out.

Because XAS Professors are impatient, by the time you get to the portal in Thayd, she’ll have gotten tired of waiting, and gone in.. because what could possibly go wrong when you enter a strange portal on an Alien planet?

Going through the portal to meet up with the Professor, you find out the Alpha Sanctum’s curator has abducted her, and killed the rest of the XAS crew that went in with her.  As with any Eldan facility, expect the current occupants to be less than thrilled at your arrival.

After a cranky curator cut scene.. you’ll find yourself in the first room, where multiple terminals will give you an overview of what all the primal elements are, and a little bit about what they can do (and where to find them).

The next room is my favorite from a lore perspective, it gives us brief overviews of the different Eldan castes (for lack of a better way to describe them).  Did you know, there was a bunch of Eldans who’s purpose, was making sure the other Eldan’s followed established scientific principles when they messed around trying to re-make everything on Nexus?

When you access the last Data Cube in the instance, after finding out that the Eldans think the laws of reality no longer apply to them, Drusera appears.  She lets you know this is just the beginning, and that there is more to see… and then she takes off.

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Overall, I think this instance does a good job of introducing the over-arcing world story to players at a much lower level than happened previously.  This should help ‘hook’ new players, and get them to feel more involved in the story (plus, it’s another Drusera appearance, and you can never have enough Drusera!).  Getting a bit more of the Eldan backstory, along with the Primal Elements lore, I think will make things fit together a bit easier as players continue to level.

WildStar’s Lore is something I think doesn’t get enough credit.  Pappy and crew have developed a very interesting world, with a lot of depth.. Not every interesting character gets the screen time I think they should (Looking at you Ms. Walker!), so it’s nice when they can add in new story elements, even if they’re just fleshing out bits we’d find later on (assuming you get all the datachrons, etc..).


Definitely a bit of story that everyone should experience, either on the PTR, or when it goes live.

Full video walkthrough of the instance (spoilers, obviously):