Welcome to the first of a weekly column recapping all the WildStar news that’s fit to print for the last week! The game is still in beta (I’m not in it), and is covered by NDA, so I will not be posting any leaks.. if you are in the beta.. respect the NDA man!
This week continued the “Class Ultra Drop” by giving us a look at some space cowboy action!
Errr… not that space cowboy, though. We get the low down on this no good, rotten, totally cute space cowboy:
The first drop came in the form of WildStar Wednesday’s Dev Speak that was all about the Spellslinger!
Highlights of playing a Spellslinger include (but are not limited to):
- Shooting your friends in the face to heal them!
- Cool Hats!
- Interdimensional portals!
- Long range attacks!
No long, difficult disclaimer to decipher this week, which means no secret hoverboard like reveal either.
Spellslinger week continued on Thursday with the reddit AMA. Here’s a few highlights from the AMA:
And it sounds like healing as a Spellslinger will be interesting:
Make sure you head over and give the whole AMA a read, there is a ton of good information in there.
The icing on this week’s Spellslinger cake, was the live stream Saturday (During the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Episode! Bad timing!). There, we got to see David Bass, Hugh Shelton, and Marc Matzenbacher give us a brief glimpse into the life of a Spellslinger:
Watch live video from WildStar on TwitchTV
Couple of highlights:
- Damage is done when the animation ‘hits’ the target. So there is travel time involved. Carbine did mention that the travel time is tweakable, so it’s possible we’ll see that as a balancing measure going forward (i.e, increase travel time to reduce DPS, decrease it to increase DPS).
- You’ll be able to have dual specs.
- Spellslingers have the longest ranged attack in the game.
- Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday here in the US..no live stream for the Stalker next week, it’ll be delayed.
Looks like the main issue a Spellslinger will have to overcome, besides picking which cool hat to wear, is keeping your target at range, and avoiding melee. The whole teleport/swap places with your opponent thing, will help with that a bit though.
Looking forward to the next of the Ultra Drops, I believe the Stalker is up next!
Quick reminder.. the only place to get a beta key from currently, is Carbine. If you haven’t already done so.. head on over to the WildStar site and get signed up now!